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Gray wolf stare


Work with wildlife, gain CE credit, or apply for awards and grants.


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Arkansas Game & Fish Commission (Little Rock, AR)


Senior Supervisory Veterinarian

Maryland Zoo (Baltimore, MD)


Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA (Saratoga, CA)


The Florida Aquarium (Tampa, FL)


University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN)

Until filled

Greensboro Science Center (Greensboro, NC)

Until filled

Maryland Zoo (Baltimore, MD)


Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (Roseville, MN)

Until filled

Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center (Scottsdale, AZ)

Until filled


Nevada Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Nevada (Reno, NV)

 Beginning review 2025-02-10

University of California, Davis; California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CA)

Varies annually

Tufts Wildlife Clinic, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University (North Grafton, MA)

Varies annually

University of Alberta (Canada)

Starting ASAP/Winter 2025

Contact Dr. Mark Boyce at

Wildlife Center of Virginia (Waynesboro, VA)

Varies annually


Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources (Frankfort, KY)

Closes 2025-03-07

Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (Roseville, MN)

Closes February 1st every year

Belize Wildlife & Referral Center (San Ignacio, Belize)


California Department of Fish & Wildlife; Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Health Center (CA)

Closes 09-01 annually

University of Georgia, Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (Athens, GA)


Progressive Animal Welfare Society (Lynnwood, WA)

Closes 08-31 annually

Maryland Zoo (Baltimore, MD)

Closes 2025-02-23

Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (Roseville, MN)


Rocky Mountain Wildlife Veterinary Externship

 Colorado Parks & Wildlife; National Park Service; Wyoming Game & Fish Department (Fort Collins, CO; Sybille Canyon, WY)

Closes in early Fall annually

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center (Glen Rose, TX)

Apply 18-24 months in advance

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (Corvallis, OR)

Closes 04-15 annually

Chicago Zoological Society's Brookfield Zoo (Brookfield, IL)


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico City, Mexico)


Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium (Sarasota, FL)

Closes 2025-03-31

Wildlife Center of Virginia (Waynesboro, VA)

Varies annually

Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (Sanibel, FL)


Ojai Raptor Center (Oak View, CA)



The focus areas of this 15-day course are: rhino and elephant management; wildlife genetics and health; disease control; livestock and wildlife; game capture essentials; and embryo transplant in wildlife. This program is approved by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) to offer a total of 50 CE Credits (50 max) being available to any one veterinarian or veterinary technician.

Learn reliable, safe, and effective techniques for the species you work with and the scenarios you encounter! The 2-day course agenda includes: Introduction/General Considerations; Medication Delivery Techniques; Capture Pharmacology; Dart Lab Video Presentation; Species Specific Drug Dosages and Volume Calculations; Approach, Post Capture Care and Anesthesia Monitoring; Medical Emergencies; Human Safety and Accidental Human Exposure. The course is approved by NACA, RACE, and TWS for 16 hours of Continuing Education credit.

The online RACE-approved is for students and professionals interested in learning about all aspects of capturing and immobilizing wild animals using a variety of techniques and drugs. The online course is also the prerequisite for a 4-day RACE-approved field course that is offered in the winter and spring designed to provide students a one-of-a-kind, hands-on learning experience capturing and chemically immobilizing wolves, bears, cougars, elk, and other wildlife at the Wildlife Science Center in Stacy, MN. TWS CE credits are also available.

An independent online RACE-approved course and training library that is for veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Learn the essential elements and best practices of wildlife chemical capture. Registration is always open. TWS CE credits are also available.


AAWV Wildlife Veterinary Externship Grants

The AAWV recognizes that externships are an extremely important aspect of a veterinary student’s learning experience. Therefore, the AAWV Board of Governors has approved a competitive program, AAWV Wildlife Veterinary Externship Grants, to provide funds to assist veterinary students’ participation in wildlife related externships. These grants are $500.00 per student for a total of up to 10 students per year. The funds can be used as the student requires for expenses encountered during an externship (i.e., travel expenses, such as airfare, rental vehicles, lodging, food, etc.).   The grant requirements are: a) A demonstrated and written interest in Wildlife Veterinary Medicine b) The student must be a current student member of the AAWV c) The student must be currently enrolled in an accredited veterinary college d) The externship must include a significant wildlife veterinary medicine focus (as approved by the AAWV Scholarship Committee).   Applications are accepted each January through February with externships commencing June through May of the following year. Applications should be submitted via email to:   The following must be provided in order to be considered: 1. Cover letter outlining: i) The students career goals in wildlife veterinary medicine; ii) How the proposed externship experience could help achieve these goals; iii) How the awarded externship grant could help achieve these goals. 2. Current curriculum vitae 3. One letter of reference or faculty assessment 4. Proposed budget for the externship 5. Externship description (e.g., duration, location, objectives, agency/organization, etc.) Applicants will be scored on free-ranging wildlife experience, captive wildlife experience, research experience, involvement in wildlife organizations, written communication, and the letter of reference to capture the diverse range of experience that students may possess. The scoring rubric will be as follows (total maximum points = 30) and final selection of the recipients will be made by the AAWV Scholarship Committee: - Career goals and interest in wildlife medicine (1-5) - Justification for choosing the specific externship experience (1-5) - Quality and content of the planned externship experience (1-5) - Letter of reference/faculty assessment (1-5) - Wildlife medicine experiences (free ranging, captive, research) (1-5) - Budget (1-5)

Tom Thorne and Beth Williams Memorial Award

The Award shall be presented to an individual, group or organization in acknowledgement of either an exemplary contribution or achievement combining wildlife disease research with wildlife management policy implementation or elucidating particularly significant problems in wildlife health. The Award shall be presented no more than once yearly and only when appropriate candidates are identified. Candidates shall be selected by a joint WDA and AAWV committee named the Tom Thorne-Beth Williams Memorial Award Committee. The Committee shall be comprised of 4 members (2 from each organization) appointed by the Presidents of their respective organizations for terms of 2 years.  Terms may be renewable.  All decisions shall be made by majority vote, ties to be broken by consensus decisions of the Presidents of the WDA and the AAWV. The Award shall be presented at joint meetings of the AAWV and WDA unless presented at another meeting as approved by both the WDA Council and the AAWV Officers and Governing Council. Nominees will be sought in the Fall/Winter of each year through advertisement in WDA and AAWV communications to their respective memberships. An initial call for nominations will be advertised no later than January 15th, with a second request for nominations posted no later than February 15.  Submission deadline is generally early March.  However, this deadline might be adjusted depending on the timing of the conference in a given year. Nominations shall consist of a letter stating the nominee’s name, affiliations, brief biographical history and a description of the contribution or achievements for which the individual, group or organization are nominated. Nomination letters shall specifically reference the nominee’s contributions as they relate to the award criteria as outlined in paragraph two of these guidelines. The committee shall select recipients at least 4 months preceding the meeting at which the award is to be presented. When the conference is held earlier than usual in the year, the deadlines for nominations will be adjusted accordingly. It is not a goal to keep the recipient’s name a secret, but is a goal to have the recipient(s) present at the awards ceremony, most often the banquet at the meetings of WDA and AAWV. The Award shall be open to all professionals in the field of wildlife health regardless of membership in the WDA or the AAWV. This includes students. The Award shall consist of a black-footed ferret bronze statute. A Tom Thorne and Beth Williams Memorial Award Fund has been established jointly by the WDA and the AAWV. The purpose of this fund is to cover the cost of the bronze and provide a monetary award. Depending on amount available in the Memorial Award Fund, up to US$1000 shall be awarded to the recipient.  The intent of this award is to provide funds for Award recipient travel to the conference or for funds to be applied as a contribution to a field or research project selected by the recipient.  If the Memorial Award Fund increases substantially in value, the committee and Council will reevaluate award amount. The Tom Thorne and Beth Williams Memorial Award will be awarded to any individual, group, or organization recipient no more than one time. In unique circumstances, the committee may consider recommending to AAWV and WDA that the award be given to a group or organization that includes a previous individual awardee, or to an individual who was a member of a group or organization previously winning the award.

In 2012, The American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) established the Zoological Medicine and Wildlife Health Research Grant program which is funded by the Wild Animal Health Fund (WAHF). The intent of the research grants is to support the AAZV mission to empower our members to advance our profession and enhance zoo and wild animal health, welfare, and conservation. Investigators are expected to disseminate their findings via peer-reviewed publication and any other relevant outreach efforts. The total available fund for the 2024 Zoological Medicine and Wildlife Health Research Grant is $260,000. Typically, WAHF receives 40-60 grant proposals each year, from which 15-20 grants are awarded per year. Two categories of funding are available: the standard grant (maximum $20,000) and small grant (maximum $7,500). Small grants are intended to foster innovation and training in research, and are often trainee-led projects, pilot studies, or opportunistic additions to an ongoing research effort. Small grants may be narrower in scope than standard proposals but must meet the same scientific standards.

Al Franzmann Memorial Lecture

Given in honor of the late Wildlife Disease Association (WDA) member and AAWV founder, Al Franzmann. AAWV works with annual WDA conference and program organizers to identify a premier speaker to give a special presentation on a cutting-edge topic of particular regional or global concern or a new topic to WDA and AAWV members. AAWV will cover the cost of registration, travel, and lodging for this speaker. The recipient is provided a crystal sculpture.

USAHA Student Scholarship Award

Recipient of the US$1000 award must meet the following criteria: Be a current student in veterinary medicine, graduate studies, or intern/resident in a field related to the mission of USAHA Have an interest in regulatory or public medicine Be an active AAWV member (does not have to be a USAHA Student Member, although joining is encouraged) Be available to attend the USAHA Annual Meeting in the fall of that year and present research or a topic relevant to the USAHA Wildlife Committee Interested students must submit an application to the AAWV Secretary containing the following: Student name, contact information, University affiliation, and relevant information for his/her field of study/specialization Cover letter CV Once a suitable candidate has been identified, AAWV nominates that individual to USAHA. Deadlines vary by year, contact for more details.

Given in honor of the late Dr. Bob Dittmar, USAHA & AAWV jointly sponsor a student to travel to and attend the USAHA-AAVLD annual meeting. Travel expenses, lodging, and complimentary registration to the meeting is provided. Eligible students are not required to attend the entire meeting, but preference will be given to applicants who are available to introduce themselves and provide a 10-minute presentation on a wildlife topic of their choosing during the USAHA Committee on Wildlife session at the meeting. To apply for an award, students must: 1) Submit a 1-page essay explaining their interests and experience in diagnostic veterinary medicine or veterinary public practice, their career aspirations, and what they hope to gain by attending the USAHA-AAVLD Annual Meeting; 2) Provide a topic of their research or what the focus of their presentation would be (1-2 sentences maximum); 3) Submit a CV or résumé; and 4) Be a current student member of AAWV. Deadlines vary by year, contact for more details.

AAWV Graduate Student Scholarship Award

In keeping with their close relationship with WDA, AAWV sponsors an award for either a veterinary student or a veterinarian currently enrolled in a graduate program, residency or equivalent educational endeavor. This award acknowledges outstanding academic and research accomplishment, productivity and potential to contribute to the field of wildlife medicine/research. The award has a value of US$500 and includes a plaque. To be considered, students must: a) be an AAWV member at the time of application and b) must also submit an abstract to present their work at the annual international WDA conference and have the abstract accepted as an oral presentation.

The Linda Munson Pathology Manuscript Award offers a first place $250 award and a second place $150 award for the best zoo or wildlife pathological manuscript published each year by a graduate student or resident in either the Journal of Wildlife Diseases or the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. Criteria is established by the Education Committee and manuscripts reviewed by a designated group of individuals in the practice of pathology.

© American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians

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